Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Gender confusion and nail trims.

It's been a while. I've been pretty busy with work and managing two living spaces for the past couple months, and nothing too exciting has happened at work. Nothing worth putting on here, anyway. Just average work-related things. Today was kind of exciting, though. Not that we were busy or anything, cuz we've been super slow lately. We're short-staffed and trying to hire new people, so it's gonna take a little time to get back on track.

So far this week I've had all surgery shifts. I enjoy it. We only had two today. In fact, we've only had two surgeries all week as long as I've been on surgery. And I wasn't about to let my streak end today. So, of course, only two of the three showed up. Again. One of the ones that showed up for a dental was a cat named Bella. A boy cat named Bella. Who the heck names a boy cat Bella?? That's exactly what I was thinking as I was talking to the owner while dropping off this cat. The owner had her 7-8 year old daughter with her. As I was explaining the procedure for the dental, I kept referring to the cat as "he", which I thought was appropriate considering it is, in fact, a male cat. I then noticed the owner gesturing behind her daughter and mouthing the word "she". I said something to the effect of the computer is telling me he's a boy. So of course, the daughter turns around and says, "Bella's a boy?" It was then I realized that the daughter obviously thinks this is a girl cat (which is why he is named Bella), and the parents didn't bother to tell her that it's actually a boy. Poor cat. No wonder he was so angry. I would be too.

One of the semi-exciting things that happened today was another fun nail trim. Nail trims are always fun. We have this yellow lab named Joey that comes in often for nail trims, and he freaks out so much that it takes at least 4 of us to get it done. He came in last week, and clocked me pretty good in the jaw. I got a bruise and bit my tongue. The one today was a different kind of exciting though. Another yellow lab, his name is Shadow, and he is very overweight. 122 pounds. And he should probably be about 70. So we had him laying on his side so we could handle him more easily. The nail trim itself wasn't terrible. But then he started to get up. I was holding onto his leash, and as I was still sitting on the floor, he decides to make a run for the door. And drag me along with him. He pulled me probably about 10 feet before I finally just let go and let him stand by the door. At least he didn't run me into anything.

I also broke the pressure gauge on the oxygen tank today. But that's not nearly as exciting. Besides, it's really easy to get a replacement one.

I don't feel like typing anymore. I need a nap.

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